Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ramazei DiOraysa: Hints in the Torah Volume 1 Issue 6

רמזי דאורייתא
Ramazei DiOraysa: Hints in the Torah
Volume 1 Issue 6

The Gemara (Megillah 6a) states that Yitzchak wished that HaShem should favor Esav but when HaShem informed Yitzchak that Esav (his descendants) would destroy the Bais HaMikdash, Yitzchak desisted. It is noteworthy that the name Esav (376) is equal in gematria to the word machariv habinyan, destroyer of the building (377).

It is said (Bereishis 25:23) ushnei liumim mimeiayich yipareidu, two nations from your insides shall be separated. Although this prophecy was told to Rivka, Yaakov and Esav were both born from Yitzchak. It is noteworthy that the word mimeiayich equals in gematria 180, and that is the amount of years that Yitzchak lived.

It is said (Bereishis 25:25) vayeitzei harishon admoni kulo kiaderes seiar, the first one emerged red, entirely like a hairy mantle. The Medrash (Medrash Shmuel §19) states that when HaShem instructed Shmuel to anoint one of Yishai’s sons, Shmuel saw Dovid and he was red. Shmuel was concerned that Dovid would be a murderer, as regarding Esav it is said vayeitzei harishon admoni. Hashem then informed Shmuel that Dovid would kill with the permission of the Sanhedrin. It is fascinating that the last letters of the words kulo kiaderes seiar spell out the word Rus, the ancestor of Dovid HaMelech.

It is said (Bereishis 25:26) viacharei chein yatza achiv viyado ochezes baakeiv Esav, after that his brother emerged with his hand grasping on to the heel of Esav. It is noteworthy that the word viyado, his hand, equals in gematria the Name of Hashem. Perhaps this alludes to the idea that ultimately even the angel of Esav would agree that Yaakov was deserving of the blessings that he received from his father Yitzchak. The name of HaShem connotes a conferment of agreement on a person.

It is said (Bereishis 25:30) haliteini na min haadom haadom hazeh, pour into me, now, some of that very red stuff. It is noteworthy that the words haadom haadom equals in gematria 100, and this alludes to the idea that in the future Esav will destroy the Bais HaMikdash that is 100 amos high.

It is said (Bereishis 25:30) ki ayeif anochi, for I am exhausted. The Medrash (Bereishis Rabbah 63:12) interprets this to mean that Esav was weary from murder. It is noteworthy that the words ki ayeif anochi (270) equal in gematria the word ra, evil (270), as Esav was declaring that he was an evil person.

It is said (Bereishis 25:31) vayomer Yaakov michra chayom es bichorascho li, Yaakov said, “Sell, as this day, your birthright to me.” It is noteworthy that the word chayom equals in gematria the word lechem, as Yaakov hinted that in addition to the stew, he would also give Esav bread.

It is said (Bereishis 25:34) vayivez Esav es habechorah, Esav spurned the birthright. It is interesting to note that the word vayivez in at bash equals 490, and 490 in mispar katan, digit sum, equals 13. The word echod, one, equals 13, and this alludes to the idea that Esav scorned HaShem, Who is One.

The Torah relates that Yitzchak dug wells that the Plishtim had stopped up. It is fascinating that the word habieir, the well, equals in gematria the word Yitzchak. On another note, the word ravu, which means they quarreled, is also equals in gematria the word Yitzchak.

Yitzchak asked Esav to bring him matamim, delicacies. The word matamim (209) equals in gematria Yitzchak (208).

The Medrash (Bereishis Rabbah 67:2) states that when Yitzchak realized that he had given the blessings to Yaakov and not to Esav, he was fearful that either he or Yaakov would bake in Gehinom. Hashem consoled Yitzchak and told him that hatzad tzayid, the hunter, i.e. Esav would end up in Gehinom. It is noteworthy that the word hatzayid (109), the hunter, equals in gematria Gehinom (108). Alternatively, the words hu hatzad (111) is the one who hunted game, equals in gematria Gehinom (108).

It is said (Bereishis 27:33) vaochal mikol, and I partook of all. Rashi cites the Medrash that states that Yitzchak declared that he tasted from any delicacy that he wished to taste. The Gemara states that the manna tasted like any food that a person desired. It is noteworthy that the word mikol equals in gematria manna (90).

Ramazei DiOraysa: Hints in the Torah
Volume 1 Issue 6

Is sponsored lizchus Refuah shileima Chaya bas Docha Rachel bisoch shaar cholei Yisroel

Prepared by Rabbi Binyomin Adler.
For sponsorships please call 248-506-0363.

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