The Heilige Ishbitzer cites the Arizal who writes that the people of
Monday, October 29, 2007
Vayera: Sodom and Dor Deah
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Shabbos: Ta'am HaChaim Vayera 5767
Shabbos: Ta’am HaChaim Vayera 5768
Shabbos in the Parashah
Shabbos in the Zemiros
Ribbon kol HaOlamim
Published in 5401 (1641)
Melech nisgav, King Who is exalted. What do we mean when we describe HaShem as nisgav? It is said (Tehillim 91:14) ki vi chashak vaafalteihu asagveihu ki yada shemi, for he has yearned for Me, and I will deliver Him; I will elevate Him because He knows My Name. The Shelah (Introduction) writes that this verse is said regarding those who are familiar with the secrets of the Torah. It would thus follow that when we refer to HaShem as nisgav, we are declaring that we cannot even begin to comprehend the greatness of HaShem.
Shabbos in Tefillah
Baruch HaShem hamevorach liolam vaed, blessed is HaShem, the blessed One, for all eternity. The word vaed, translated as eternity, can also be read as vaeid, which is a witness. When we acknowledge HaShem as the Source of all blessings, we are essentially witnesses to the fact that HaShem is eternal. This is similar to the statement in the Gemara (Shabbos 119b) that states that one who prays on Friday night and recites the passage of vayechulu is deemed to be a partner with HaShem in creation. When one declares that HaShem created the world, he is deemed to be a witness to creation.
Shabbos Story
This story was written by Reb Yom Tov Ehrlich, based on the writings of Rav Chaim Vital, the primary student of the great Kabbalist, the Arizal. Yosef, who had recently married, walked back from shul with his youngest brother, Dovid, to wish their mother a good Shabbos. In the house all was ready for Shabbos-the table was set and the candles glowed brightly. However, the empty seat at the head of the table upset the tranquility. Their father had died two years earlier and their mother had not found peace since then. The smile she tried to force as she wished her sons a Good Shabbos could not hide her tears. “Mommy, it is Shabbos, we are not supposed to be sad,” Yosef said gently. “But it was exactly two years ago today that your father died, how can I not cry?” she replied. “That explains this Shabbos but not last week and two weeks ago. Father is now in Gan Eden and your tears must be upsetting him. Your tears also show HaShem that you are not willing to accept His judgment. Mommy, please forgive me for speaking this way,” Yosef apologized. “You are right, I know that everyone wants me to be happy again-I will try my best,” she promised. Yosef left to go to his house and Dovid made the Kiddush on the wine. A calm serenity seemed to envelope the seudah and the entire house. As she went to sleep, the mother felt an internal peacefulness that she had not felt since her husband’s death. She began to think that she was not alone. Others have gone through it and made it and so could she. As she drifted off to sleep she dreamt that people were running and she began to run with them. They ran through a dark forest until, with a burst of light, the forest ended. The bright sun glimmered off a sparkling blue stream, running through a garden filled with beautiful flowers. Suddenly, a white-bearded Jew wearing a long white garment appeared and gently asked her if she would like to see her husband. With her heart pounding she followed him to a tree full of beautiful ripe fruit, overlooking a spacious clearing surrounded by a golden fence. There were colorfully dressed Jews sitting in rows learning Torah from a young man. The class finished and she saw the teacher approaching them. When she saw that it was her husband, she nearly fainted and leaned against the tree. When she regained her composure she cried out, “Why did you leave me at such a young age?” “Please understand that the world in which you live is a world of exile,” he explained serenely. “People are sent there to complete specific tasks or to rectify earlier transgressions. This is the true world. Before you ever knew me I was a Torah scholar and perfectly righteous. My only fault was I was unwilling to marry and bring children to the world because it would have disturbed my studies. When I left the world I began to ascend to ever higher levels but at a certain point I could not ascend any higher because I had never married and had never had children. I was sent back to the lower world to marry and have children. I married you and when our seventh child was born, I was called to return to Gan Eden. Great is your merit that I was your husband. When the right time will come, we will again live together in this world in delight.” “Why does our Yosef not prosper in his business affairs?” she continued to question. “I am sure you remember the litigation that Yosef had with another Jew,” her husband responded. “He was legally correct but was guilty of causing the other person great pain. He faced a harsh sentence but I prayed on his behalf that he be given only four hard years. In just one more year, that period will end and he will prosper.” “And what about our Dovid? Not a single shidduch has been offered and I have no money to make a wedding.” He smiled and explained: “Dovid’s wife was late in coming-she is now only thirteen years old. In five years they will move to your city, she will get engaged to Dovid and they will finance the entire wedding.” In a pained voice she asked, “And why was our three year old son killed by a drunk?” “Follow me,” her husband answered with a smile. They began to walk to a light-filled garden. Brilliant beams of multi-colored light shone from above while beautiful songbirds flew from tree to tree singing the praises of HaShem. Suddenly she saw leaping circles of fire positioning themselves near her in column-like formation followed by small angels who also settled near her. She felt her soul slipping away and her husband quickly placed a flower near her nose to revive her. A canopy made of sparkling stones appeared before her and under the canopy stood a small angelic form that she recognized as her son. “Why did you leave me when you were so young?” she asked. “Everything is done according to HaShem’s plan,” he answered. “I had been in the world once before and during one of the wild attacks against my town, gentiles had murdered my entire family. I, at the age of six months was the only survivor. A kindly gentile woman took me into her home and raised me until I was redeemed by Jews. They taught me Torah until I became a great scholar. When I left that world I was received here with great joy. I reached a point where I could not rise higher because I was nursed by a non-Jewish woman. It was decreed that I be born again to a Jewish mother and live those early years in purity. After three years there was no reason for me to remain in that lowly world so I was returned to here. You have a great merit that you helped me to reach this next level.” The child laughed softly and disappeared from view. Her husband continued: “You now see that there is an answer to all of your questions. HaShem does no evil.” He escorted her back to the tree where he had met her. “It is very good here but I cannot bear to see your suffering. You will do me a great favor by living happily. A shidduch has been proposed for you. Please accept it.” With that he vanished and the old man led her back through the forest. She awoke a different person, soon remarried and lived a life of contentment.
Shabbos in Navi
Yehoshua Chapter 8
In this chapter the Navi records how Yehoshua and the Jewish People captured the city of
The Gemara (Sanhedrin 58b) states that a gentile who observes Shabbos is liable the death penalty and similarly, a gentile who studies Torah is liable the death penalty (Ibid 59a). What is the association between these two rulings? Perhaps one idea is that the Gemara (Shabbos 86b) states that all opinions concur that HaShem gave the Torah to the Jewish People on Shabbos, and the Gemara (Avodah Zara 2b) also states that HaShem offered the gentiles the Torah and they refused to accept it. Given these two facts, it follows that a gentile cannot study Torah, as the gentiles rejected the Torah, and the gentiles cannot observe Shabbos, as the very Torah that they rejected was given to the Jewish People on Shabbos.
Shabbos in Halacha
One cannot add to a kli rishon liquid condiments that were cooked during processing, such as ketchup and mustard. One can use these liquid condiments, however, when the food is transferred to a kli sheini.
Shabbos in Numbers and Words
In the Shabbos prayers we often use the word ritzei, be favorable, to entreat HaShem. The word ritzei in mispar katan, digit sum, equals 16, and 1+6=7, which alludes to Shabbos, the seventh day of the week.
Shabbos: Ta’am HaChaim Vayera 5768
is sponsored by the Godfrey family in memory of their mother,
grandmother and great-grandmother Raitzel bas Yitzchak, Mrs. Regina Schey
niftarah 6 MarCheshvan 5738, October 18, 1977.
Have a wonderful and delightful Shabbos
Prepared by Rabbi Binyomin Adler.
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Thursday, October 18, 2007
Shabbos: Ta'am HaChaim Lech Lecho 5768
Shabbos: Ta’am HaChaim Lech Lecho 5768
Shabbos in the Parashah
In this weeks parashah the Torah records a dispute between Avraham and his nephew
Shabbos in the Zemiros
Ribbon kol HaOlamim
Published in 5401 (1641)
Melech malchei hamelachim, King Who reigns over kings. We describe HaShem as King Who reigns over kings. What does this mean? In the simple sense, we are stating that despite all the power that appears to be vested in kings of flesh and blood, HaShem’s power is even greater than that power. This explanation, however, poses a difficulty, as it implies that the kingship of HaShem is in the same realm as that of human kings, and this certainly cannot be true. The answer to this question can be found in the words of the Netziv, who writes (Shemos 11:4) that even the forces of evil draw their strength from HaShem, and when HaShem revealed Himself in His glory in Egypt, all the forces of evil were destroyed. HaShem’s revelation was able to subdue even the greatest amongst the forces of evil and impurity. Similarly, when we declare that HaShem is the King Who reigns over kings, we are stating that all kings draw their strength from HaShem, and HaShem has the power to subdue all kings.
Shabbos in Tefillah
Barchu es HaShem hamevorach, Bless HaShem, the Blessed one. This pronouncement is one of the most fascinating passages in Jewish liturgy. The Chazan calls out to the congregation to bless HaShem Who is blessed. We already know that the word baruch does not mean blessed. Rather, it means that we acknowledge HaShem as the Source of all blessings. Given this understanding, what is our intention when we ask the congregation to bless HaShem as the Source of all blessings? It would appear that we are exhorting the congregation to acknowledge HaShem as the Source of all blessings. Yet, the Arizal and other Kabbalists mention a fascinating idea regarding the recital of Barchu. The Kabbalists write that on Friday night when the Chazan calls upon the congregation to bless HaShem and the congregation responds with baruch HaShem hamevorach liolam vaed, Blessed is HaShem, the Blessed One, for all eternity, the congregation gains the neshamah yeseira, the extra soul that enters into a Jew on Shabbos. Furthermore, when the congregation responds with Barchu, a heavenly voice goes out and declares, “fortunate are you, Holy Nation, that you offer your blessings below, so that the ones above should be blessed. You are fortunate in this world and in the World to Come.” Thus, we see that the repetition of Barchu has profound significance in this world and in the world that is above us. Perhaps another dimension to this declaration is that the Medrash states that HaShem created the world with the letter bais because it reflects blessing, whereas the letter aleph reflects a curse, such as in the word arur. The Ibn Ezra in his commentary to Bereishis wonders about this Medrash, as there are many words that begin with the letter bais and denote evil concepts. The Maharal (Tiferes Yisroel 34) refutes the words of the Ibn Ezra, and the Maharal writes that the explanation of the Medrash is that the letter bais intrinsically reflects blessing, as two signifies the commencement of expansion and growth. Thus, the word baruch reflects expansion and continued blessing, so it follows that we commence our prayers with the Chazan exhorting the congregation to follow suit and acknowledge HaShem as the source of all blessings.
Shabbos Story
There was once a salesman from Deal,
Shabbos in Navi
Yehoshua Chapter 7
In this chapter it is said that Achan violated the cherem, the ban that Yehoshua had placed on anyone taking from the spoils of Yericho. The Navi interjects with the incident that occurred at the city of
Shabbos and Milah, circumcision, are both referred to as an os, a sign. What is the association between Shabbos and milah? The Baal HaTurim in the beginning of Bereishis writes that the word Bereishis forms the words bris aish, a covenant of fire. Why is milah associated with fire? The Medrash (Bereishis Rabbah 48:8) states that Avraham Avinu stands by the gates of Gehinnom and does not allow anyone who has been circumcised to enter into Gehinnom. Similarly, the Gemara (Sanhedrin 65b and see Rashi Ibid) states that although all week the wicked are punished with the fires of Gehinnom, on Shabbos the fires of Gehinnom rest. Furthermore, the Pirkei D’Rabbi Eliezer (18) states that in the merit of Shabbos one is saved from the fires of Gehinnom. We can also suggest that the Gemara (Yoma 28b) states that Avraham Avinu fulfilled the entire Torah, even the mitzvah of eruvei tavshilin. The word eruv can also be interpreted to mean mixture (see Daas Zekanim MiBaalei HaTosafos Bereishis 18:8). Thus, the Gemara is stating that one who in this world observes Shabbos by cooking a mixture of hot food and eating it hot on Shabbos, will merit that he will be saved by Avraham from the fires of Gehinnom. (see Baal HaMaor to Rif Shabbos 16b and Rema Orach Chaim 257:8.)
Shabbos in Halacha
One can use pre-cooked seasoning, i.e. salt and sugar, on dry foods, even in a kli rishon. One should never use uncooked foods on solid foods in any vessel until they cool below yad soledes bo.
Shabbos in Numbers and Words
When Yom Tov occurs immediately prior to Shabbos, one makes an eruvei tavshilin by taking a loaf of bread and a cooked item such as an egg, a piece of fish, or a piece of meat. He then recites a blessing and a declaration, allowing him to prepare food and light candles from Yom Tov to Shabbos. It is noteworthy that the word tavshilin forms the word Shabbos and the remaining letters equal in gematria 100. The Gemara (Yoma 28b) states that Avraham Avinu fulfilled the entire Torah before it was given, even the mitzvah of eruvei tavshilin. The Maharal explains that this demonstrates that Avraham was always prepared. We can suggest further that one prepares for Shabbos and on Shabbos one must also be meticulous to recite 100 blessings, as it is much more difficult to recite the 100 blessings on Shabbos than it is during the week. This is due to the fact that there are fewer blessings in the Shemone Esrei, so on Shabbos one should ensure that he recites blessings on foods and other items that require blessings.
Shabbos: Ta’am HaChaim Lech Lecho 5768
is sponsored by Yossi and Rivky Adler
in honor of the birth of their daughter Esther Miriam.
Mazel Tov to the grandparents Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Adler of
and to Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Abraham of
May they all see much nachas from Esther Miriam
and be zoche to be megadel her to Torah Chupah Umaasim Tovim
Have a wonderful and delightful Shabbos
Prepared by Rabbi Binyomin Adler.
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Lech Lecho 5768: Where we come from
It is said (Bereishis 15:1) al tira Avram, do not fear Avram. The Medrash (Bereishis Rabbah 76:1) states that it only states “do not fear” regarding one who has what to fear. The Heilegeh Ishbitzer writes that when Avraham killed the kings, he became fearful. The reason for this fear was because the idea that one is more successful than his friend is because he has within him more service of HaShem and more good deeds. Yet, if the life of ones friend were to be nullified because of his actions, one would be afraid, as HaShem created the other person also and HaShem certainly has a need for the other person to exist.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Shabbos: Ta'am HaChaim Noach 5768
Shabbos: Ta’am HaChaim Noach 5768
Shabbos in the Parashah
In this weeks parashah the Torah records how HaShem nearly destroyed the world by bringing a flood. The only survivors of this devastation were Noach and his immediate family members. While we are accustomed to understanding the flood as a punishment for the corrupt actions of that generation, it would seem to be difficult to view the destruction as a reward. This would be similar to one contracting a life-threatening illness and his friend would attempt to comfort him by stating that he should view the illness as a reward. Let us examine the concepts of reward and punishment and we will see that the idea that destruction can be viewed as a reward is not as preposterous as it sounds. We must first ask ourselves why HaShem brings destruction to the world. The Ran in his Derashos (Derush 10 Version 2) poses the following question. If HaShem observes the laws that are written in His Torah, how can HaShem punish someone for violating His will? It would seem that if HaShem exacts retribution from someone for his actions, it is a form of revenge, and the Torah states explicitly that one is forbidden to take revenge. The Ran answers that when HaShem punishes a person, he is not taking revenge. Rather, HaShem is afflicting the person in this world or in the next world so that one will earn atonement and be cleansed from his sin. Thus, the term punishment regarding one who suffers because of his sins is not a correct term. Rather, one is being rewarded with afflictions that will ultimately bring him closer to HaShem. While it is true that the generation of the Flood forfeited their portion in this world and in the World to Come (Gemara Sanhedrin 107b ), Noach and his family were allowed to live and to rebuild the world. The Zohar states that Noach represented Shabbos. The real Shabbos will be in the World to Come, when those who have merited will be rewarded with an eternal rest. We must adopt an outlook that what may at times appear to be a punishment is in essence a reward. There are times when all those who appear to be punished are in essence being rewarded, and there are times when only some of those who are being punished are really being rewarded. Yet, the Meshech Chochmah (beginning of Parashas Vaera) writes that the whole liberation from the bondage of
Shabbos in the Zemiros
Ribbon kol HaOlamim
Published in 5401 (1641)
Melech laveish rachamim, King Who dons mercy. What does it mean that HaShem dons mercy? This would imply that Hashem is normally not merciful. Rashi (Bereishis 1:1) writes that HaShem created the world with the Attribute of Justice, and when HaShem saw that the world could not exit with justice alone, He incorporated in the world the Attribute of Mercy. Thus, in essence HaShem rules with justice. Yet, for the sake of sustaining the world, HaShem dons His cloak of mercy. HaShem should allow us to merit His great mercy and we should witness the arrival of Moshiach Tzidkeinu, speedily, in our days.
Shabbos in Tefillah
Melech yachid kel chei HaOlamim, King, Unique One, G-d, Life-giver of the world. The culmination of the blessing Yishtabach is that HaShem is our king, the Unique One, G-d, and Life-giver of the world. We praise HaShem as our king, but the concept of king may at times be abstract for us. The idea that HaShem gives life to the entire world is somewhat easier to contemplate, as we are constantly breathing. It is noteworthy that the Zohar states that man dinafach midilei nafach, one who breathes is breathing from HaShem Himself. Perhaps this praise of HaShem as king and as life-giver go hand in hand, as once we acknowledge that HaShem gives us life, we can accept Him as King, because it is the king Himself Who is the Source of our every breath.
Shabbos Story
The Picciotto family of Aram Tzova in
Shabbos in Navi
Yehoshua Chapter 6
In this chapter it is said that HaShem instructed Yehoshua that the Jewish People should encircle the city of
NEW Shabbos in Agadah
The Gemara (Shabbos 118b) states that if the Jewish People were to observe two Shabbosos, we would be redeemed from the exiles. In light of this profound statement, I would like to focus on various aspects of Shabbos, both in Halacha and in custom, which every Jew can aspire to, in enhancing the Holy Shabbos. One of the most important aspects of Shabbos does not even occur on Shabbos. The Gemara (Beitzah 16a) states that Shammai would find a sheep and designate it for Shabbos, and upon finding a choicer sheep, he would designate that sheep for Shabbos. Shammai would thus eat the entire week in honor of Shabbos. One must wonder why someone would honor the Shabbos during the week when the Torah commands us to honor the Shabbos on Shabbos. Perhaps we can suggest a novel approach to explain the philosophy of Shammai. The Sefarim write that the word Shabbos means to return, i.e. to repent. It is well-known that Rabbeinu Saadia Gaon would do Teshuvah for the inadequacy of his previously performed good deeds. In a similar vein, Shammai would eat in honor of Shabbos, i.e. he would do Teshuvah, but then he would find a better way to do Teshuvah, as ultimately, one can always become closer to HaShem. This thought should inspire us to use Shabbos as a means of coming closer to HaShem.
Shabbos in Halacha
One is prohibited from adding any seasoning, such as pepper or sugar, to hot soup while in a pot (kli rishon). Seasoning that was cooked during processing, like salt or sugar, can be added once the soup is transferred to a kli sheini. One cannot add uncooked seasoning to a kli sheini until the soup cools below yad soledes bo. One can, however, add uncooked seasoning to a kli shelishi.
Shabbos in Numbers and Words
It is said in the Book of Yehoshua (6:19) that all the silver and gold and vessels of copper and iron are holy to HaShem; they shall go to the treasury of HaShem. The Medrash (Tanchumah Naso 28) derives from this verse that since the spoils of Yericho were taken on Shabbos, they were consecrated to HaShem. It is noteworthy that the word Bereishis, when one scrambles the letters, forms an acrostic for the words Reishis shelal Yericho beShabbos tavo Otzar, the first spoils of Yericho on Shabbos shall be brought to the treasury [of HaShem].
Shabbos: Ta’am HaChaim Noach 5768
Have a wonderful and delightful Shabbos
Prepared by Rabbi Binyomin Adler.
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