Sunday, September 2, 2007

Kesubos 2

The Maseches begins with the words besulah nisas leyom harevii. It is noteworthy that we commence this Maseches in the month of Elul, which is the mazel of besulah. This reflects the idea stated in the Medrash (Vayikra Rabbah 29:12) that on Rosh Hashanah, we are deemed to be a new creation. Hashem should allow us to start the year with freshness and we should be rejuvenated to study Torah with more diligence and perform mitzvos with more focus.

The Mishnah states:

A besulah marries on the fourth day of the week.

What is the significance of the fourth day? The Gemara (Shabbos 19a; See Baal HaMaor Ibid) states that the three days following Shabbos are referred to as after Shabbos, whereas the three days that precede the Shabbos are referred to as before Shabbos. Perhaps our Mishnah alludes to this idea, as the Medrash (Bereishis Rabbah 11:8) states that Shabbos is the mate of the Jewish People. Thus, one should marry on the fourth day of the week or later in the week, as the marriage will be more connected to Shabbos, which reflects the marriage to the Jewish People.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't it seem that the Mishna is telling us Wednesday, and not Thursday or Friday?

Anonymous said...

good point. I added later in the week because I don't think anyone follows this custom anymore of marrying on Wednesday night. In fact, in Europe the custom was to marry om Friday afternoon, which, besides for the practical aspect of having the wedding meal and Shabbos meal together, it's also closer to Shabbos.

Anonymous said...

Rama Mipano says: If a woman thinks that she is equal to that of her husband, they will not have children. The sun and the moon could not rule together as equals. The Rabbis ordained Wednesday as the day for marriage because Wednesday was the day that the sun and moon were placed in sky; a woman, who lives for her children gets married on Wednesday to inspire her to be like the moon, and just as the moon was minimized and then merited many stars to serve it, so too, a woman, who minimizes herself in respect to her husband will merit many children.

Anonymous said...

yasher koach. this is one of those statements of Chazal that clearly has a deeper meaning. Iy"h we will find more together.