Monday, October 20, 2008

Ramazei DiOraysa: Hints in the Torah Volume 1 Issue 1

Ramazei DiOraysa: Hints in the Torah

Volume 1 Issue 1

The Gemara (Taanis 9a) states that there is nothing that is not alluded to in the Torah. In this edition I will be offering hints to various historical events and to interpretations of both the Written and Oral Torah.

Megillas Esther is replete with allusions to historical events and to fascinating insights into the Torah.

It is said (Esther 1:1) vayehi bimei Achashveirosh hu Achashveirosh hamoleich meihodu viad kush sheva viesrim umeah medinah, and it came to pass in the days of Achashveirosh – he is the Achashveirosh who reigned from Hodu to Cush, a hundred and twenty-seven provinces. The Zohar states that wherever it is said vayehi hayom, and it was the day, that day was Rosh HaShanah. Thus, we can suggest that the words vayehi bimei allude to the two days of Rosh HaShanah. Within the word Achashveirosh is the word rash, which mean poor. This alludes to the statement in the Gemara (Rosh HaShanah 16b) that a year that is impoverished in the beginning, i.e. when the Jewish People are humble and supplicate before HaShem, the year will end up being blessed at the end. Additionally, the letter vav in at bash is substituted with the letter pay, so the word Achashveirosh contains the word shofar. The word hamoleich, who reigned, alludes to the idea that on Rosh hashanah we declare HaShem’s Kingship over the entire world. There are twenty-one days from Rosh HaShanah until Hoshanah Rabbah, and this is alluded to in the word meihodu, as the word hodu (when spelled with two vavs) equals in gematria 21. Additionally, the word Cush can mean beauty (See Rashi Bamidbar 12:1) and this alludes to the joy and the beauty that was displayed in the Bais HaMikdash when the Jewish People, gained atonement on Yom Kippur and when they celebrated on Sukkos the drawing of the water with the Simchas Bais HaShoeiva. The word sheva means seven which alludes to the seven biblical days of Sukkos. The word viesrim contains the words ayin sarim, an allusion to the seventy nations. The Gemara (Sukkah 55b) states that the Jewish People offered seventy bulls on Sukkos to atone for the seventy nations. The word umeah can be read as umah, which means nation, alluding to the seventy nations. The word medinah (109) is equal in gematria to the word Gehinom (108) as the Medrash (See Rashi Bamidbar 29:18) states that the bulls that were brought on Sukkos were brought in descending order, alluding to the idea that the seventy nations will ultimately disappear (and be punished in Gehinom).

It is said (Tehillim 27:1) LeDovid HaShem ori viyishi mimi ira, by Dovid, HaShem is my light and my salvation, who shall I fear? The Medrash states that my light alludes to Rosh HaShanah and my salvation alludes to Yom Kippur. It is noteworthy that the word mimi (90) is equal in gematria to the word Sukkah (91) thus hinting to the idea that following the atonement that HaShem grants us on Yom Kippur, we have nothing to fear.

It is said further on (ibid verse 5) ki yitzpineini bisukkoh biyom raah, indeed, He will hide me in His shelter on the day of evil. The Medrash states that this refers to Sukkos. Why does the verse state that Sukkos is a bad day? Perhaps the idea is that the Medrash (Bereishis Rabbah 56:11) states that after Yitzchak’s life was spared at the Akeidah, we do not find mention of Yitzchak until it is time for him to marry. The reason for this is because Yitzchak was saved miraculously and Avraham did not wish that Yitzchak should be under the influence of the Evil Eye so he sent him away at night. In a similar vein, we can suggest that on Yom Kippur we are in a situation where we are suspended between life and death, heaven forbid. We merit life and this is a tremendous miracle, so to avoid the Evil Eye we hide ourselves in the Sukkah. This is the reason why this day is referred to as the day of evil, as we are threatened by the forces of evil who wish to harm us after we have been miraculously saved.

Ramazei DiOraysa: Hints in the Torah

Volume 1 Issue 1

is sponsored in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Yosef Adler of Cleveland, Ohio

Mazel Tov to Yosef and his parents, Reb Avrohom and Mrs. Tzippy Adler, and to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Adler of Chicago and to Mr. and Mrs. Simcha Schuck of Monsey. May they all share much nachas from Yosef and from all their children and grandchildren.

Prepared by Rabbi Binyomin Adler.

For sponsorships please call 248-506-0363.

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