Shabbos: Ta’am HaChaim Shoftim 5767
Shabbos in the Parashah
In this week’s parashah the Torah discusses the appointment of a Jewish king. The Commentators elaborate on the need for the Torah to instruct the Jewish People to appoint a king when a king would not appear to be a desirable entity. In the book of Shmuel we find that the Jewish People requested from the prophet Shmuel that he appoint them a king. Upon hearing their request, Shmuel was disconcerted, and Hashem offered this profound response: (Shmuel I 8:7) shema bikol haam lechol asher yomru eliecho ki lo oscho maasu ki osi maasu mimloch aleihem kichol hamaasim asher asu miyom haalosi osam mimitzrayim viad hayom hazeh vayaazvuni vayaavdu elohim acheirim heimah osim gam lach, listen to the voice of the people in all that they say to you, for it is not you whom they have rejected, but it is me whom they have rejected from reigning over them. Like all, their deeds that they have done from the day I brought them up from
Shabbos in the Zemiros
Ribbon kol HaOlamim
Published in 5401 (1641)
Melech doveir shalom, King Who bespeaks peace. Many of us wonder how peace can be achieved in the world. We are surrounded by personal strife, global war, and peace does not appear to be on the horizon. Yet, we declare that HaShem bespeaks peace. The Mishnah (Avos 1:12) teaches us that we must be lovers of peace and seekers of peace. We do not desire peace because it is comfortable for us. Rather, we seek peace because the Name of Hashem is shalom, peace, and this is the blessing that HaShem confers upon the Jewish People (Tehillim 29:11; Mishnah Uktzin 3:12). When we will recognize that HaShem constantly bespeaks peace, we will emulate His actions and then we will merit true peace, when the wolf lies down with the lamb, with the arrival of Moshiach Tzidkeinu, speedily, in our days.
Shabbos in Tefillah
Lishimcho haGadol veHaKadosh, to Your Great and Holy Name. We have already explained the association of holiness and kingship. Here we have an association between greatness and holiness. We mentioned earlier that the ultimate goal of holiness is that we recognize HaShem’s greatness. Similarly, we offer blessings and thanksgivings to HaShem’s Great and Holy Name, and this reflects our awareness that HaShem’s Holiness and Greatness are synonymous.
Shabbos Story
Reb Aryeh Levine took it upon himself to visit Jewish inmates, mostly members of the Irgun, held under British rule prior to
Shabbos in History
Once on Erev Shabbos the Holy Rebbe Reb Menachem Mendel of Rimanov zt”l set out to immerse himself in the mikveh, as he always did, in honor of the Shabbos. This time, however, there were some problems, and the mikveh had been emptied prematurely. This week there would be no tevilah. Surprisingly, instead of becoming upset and dejected, he actually seemed happy and upbeat. Turning to his Shamash (beadle), he said, “Today my immersion was more complete than any other time in my life. You see, normally, when we do a mitzvah, we try our best to purify and sanctify our thoughts at the time, in order to do the mitzvah for one reason only: To give Hashem pleasure; not to satisfy some personal need or agenda. Still, who can say, ‘My heart is pure,’ and state that he has immersed himself with all the proper thoughts and intentions? But Chazal (our Sages) teach that when a person truly tries to perform a mitzvah, but is unable, then the Torah considers it as if he has performed the mitzvah. So today, since due to circumstances completely beyond my control I was unable to immerse, the Torah ‘steps in’ for me - and one can be sure that even if I cannot possibly keep in mind all the right thoughts and intentions, “the Torah” certainly can! That is why I say that today more than any other, my tevilah was a truly perfect immersion!”
Shabbos in the Daf
Yevamos 107a
The Gemara states that one does not trouble himself to prepare a meal and then ruin the meal. The Gemara elsewhere (Avodah Zara 3a) states that one who toils on Erev Shabbos will eat on Shabbos. Shabbos is a day of rest. Yet, for one to earn the reward of Shabbos, one has to prepare for it. The Sfas Emes (Vayechi 5634) writes that when one toils during the week, the blessing of Shabbos is increased on behalf of the week. This, the Sfas Emes writes, is the idea of lechem mishneh, the two loaves of bread that we eat on Shabbos. There is a blessing on Shabbos because of the essence of the Shabbos day, and there is also the aspect of the toil during the week, and these two ideas are reflected in the lechem mishneh.
Shabbos in Halacha
In summary, pre-cooked seasoning i.e. salt, can be added to dry foods, even in a kli rishon. Pre-cooked liquid condiments i.e. ketchup can be used only in a kli sheini. Uncooked spices should never be used on dry foods that are yad soledes bo, regardless of how many vessels the dry food has been transferred to.
Shabbos in Numbers and Words
The Arizal writes (Shaar HaPesukim Ki Seitzei) that the first letters of the words (Devarim 24:15) biyomo sitein secharo, on that day shall you pay his hire, form the word Shabbos and the word boshes, shame. This teaches us that one should feel ashamed from the extra holiness that he attains on Shabbos. Additionally, these words allude to the idea that one should accept the Shabbos prior to the onset of Shabbos. The Arizal mentions other allusions that can be found in these words.
Shabbos: Ta’am HaChaim Shoftim 5767
Have a wonderful and delightful Shabbos.
Prepared by Rabbi Binyomin Adler.
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