Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ramazei DiOraysa: Hints in the Torah Volume 1 Issue 10

רמזי דאורייתא
Ramazei DiOraysa: Hints in the Torah
Volume 1 Issue 10

It is said (Bereishis 41:1) vihinei min hayeor olos sheva paros, when behold! out of the River there emerged seven cows. It is noteworthy that in this dream Pharaoh saw cows, which are called paros, and there was no poseir, interpretation, for the dream. The word paros contains the same letters as the word poseir.

Chanukah always occurs between the parshiyos of vayeishev and Mikeitz. It is noteworthy that the difference in gematria between the words vayeishev (318) and Mikeitz (230) is Chanukah (89).

It is said (Bereishis 41:14) vayigalach vayichaleif simlosav, he shaved and changed his clothes. It is noteworthy that the word vayigalach is an acrostic for the words vihinei Yosef gilah liPharaoh chalomo, and behold Yosef revealed the dream to Pharaoh. Furthermore, the word vayichaleif forms an acrostic for the words vihinei Yosef chalom liPharaoh poseir, and behold Yosef interpreted Pharaoh’s dream.

It is said (Bereishis 41:16) Elokim yaaneh es shalom Pharaoh, it is G-d Who will respond with Pharaoh’s welfare. The word yaaneh can be interpreted to mean that G-d will afflict the peace of Pharaoh, i.e. He will cause Pharaoh distress.

There are various allusions to Yosef in the dreams of Pharaoh. The words (Bereishis 41:2) vihinei min, and behold, equal in gematria Yosef (156). The word (Ibid) baachu, equals in gematria 17, and this alludes to the fact that Yosef was seventeen years old when he was sold by his brothers. The words (Ibid verse 32) ki nachon, it is because (the matter) stands, equals in gematria Yosef (156).

It is said (Bereishis 41:33) viatah yeireh Pharaoh ish navon vichacham, now let pharaoh seek out a discerning man. The words navon vichacham equal in gematria the name Yaakov (182). Perhaps this alludes to the idea that Yosef was intimating that Pharaoh should appoint him or one of his brothers to be in charge of the food storage.

The Pinei Menachem writes that the word liYefes can be rearranged to spell the word pisil, a wick, alluding to the idea that by defeating the Greeks we merited the mitzvah of lighting the Chanukah Menorah with wicks and oil. It is noteworthy that the word Yefes, the forerunner of the Greek nation, also forms an acrostic for the words Yevanim pilim Torah, Greeks, elephants (which the Greeks used in battle) and this led to a victory for Torah.

It is well known that the word Chanukah forms an acrostic for the words ches neiros vihalacha kiBeis Hillel, eight candles and the halacha follows Beis Hillel (that we light on the first night one candle and we subsequently ascend in the amount of candles that we light). We can suggest that the word Chanukah also forms an acrostic for the words Chashmonaim natzchu viachar kein hidliku, the Chashmonaim were victorious and afterwards they lit.
It is said in the chapter of Tehillim that many recite every day of Chanukah (30:6) ki rega biapo chaim birtzono, for His anger endures but a moment; life results from His favor. The word biapo equals in gematria the word Chanukah, alluding to the idea that initially HaShem was angered with the Jewish People. Once the Chashmonaim demonstrated self-sacrifice, HaShem favored the Jewish people and allowed them to be victorious. (I saw recently in a sefer this gematria).

It is said (Ibid verse 12) hafachta mispidi limachol li, You have transformed my lament into dancing for me. The word hafachta can be arranged as follows: The middle letters spell out the word pach, flask, alluding to the flask of oil that was found in the Bais HaMikdash. The first and last letters in at bash (where aleph is taf, beis is shin etc.) are tzadi and aleph, which equal in gematria the word biChanukah (91) , on Chanukah.

It is said (Ibid verse 13) limaan yizamercho chavod vilo yidom, so that my soul might sing to You and not be stilled. The words vilo yidom equal in gematria biChanukah.

Ramazei DiOraysa: Hints in the Torah
Volume 1 Issue 10

is sponsored in honor of the Jewish People worldwide who delight in the mitzvah of Chanukah.

Prepared by Rabbi Binyomin Adler.
For sponsorships please call 248-506-0363.

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